
Operation Iceland

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Inflation is Caused by Taxes and High Energy Costs

There are no income taxes to be paid because no money was borrowed from any entities to pay for the national budget.

There is no fractional reserve banking because it is fraud and counterfeit. Fractional reserve banking is the same as monetizing debt. It only has a different name. You are still borrowing money that does not exist and you are paying for it.

There is no need for fractional reserve banking because there are no income taxes or other taxes that are consuming the savings of the citizens. When taxes are being paid your money is being taken away so you need to borrow money. No one has any money to lend because their savings have been taken away because they are paying taxes. The banks use counterfeit and fraud called fractional reserve banking to lend money that does not exist to citizens who pay the money back with interest. When citizens keep all the money they earn and when their energy costs are very low, economies will function well and people will not need to borrow money to survive. If citizens borrow money it will be money that already exists and no fractional reserve banking or debt monetization will be involved.

There will never be a recession or depression again because the money supply will never contract. Every year more money is created by the National Budget and if that is not enough parents can receive newly created money if they have children as we already have done and still do.

To create prosperity, all nations will have their national debts reduced to zero and all citizens will be given one million dollars at the value of the highest value currency in the world. The highest value currency in the world at the time of this writing is the Kuwaiti Dinar, 1 KWD = 3.26 USD. If you live in Kuwait you will receive one million dollars and if you live in the USA you receive 3.26 million dollars. The same calculation is performed for every country and citizen so that everyone gets full value for their one million dollars and they can spend the full amount online or travel the world. The one million dollars is rightfully yours for having generations of your wealth stolen by the N.W.O. The new wealth will cause a global economic boom that will never end which will be world prosperity which will lead to world peace.

Nations can barter and trade with each other for resources that they need or want.

If a person looses all their money they can more easily start over again in a nation that monetizes value even if they need assistance from charity organizations. If the stock market crashes it will not affect the national budget and all the services will still be provided. The World Bank will not tell you to reduce your civil services so that you can borrow more money that does not exist and pay interest for it. There is always something that needs to be done to keep the nation operating and clean. if a nation monetizes value there will always be enough money to hire everyone who is unemployed. If a citizen cannot work and they need welfare for a period of time there will always be money in the budget for welfare. The necessary amount of welfare will be added to the national budget and the treasury will create the money and the national bank will distribute the money. When a nation monetizes value welfare rolls will be very low or empty because the economies will be thriving and people will earn more and work less. Most people want to work. They just want to work at what makes them happy and not at what is available just so they can survive.

Because the national labor resource is almost unlimited, society will have free or very low cost healthcare for everyone including dental care. Even basic and emergency pet healthcare can be part of the national budget. There will always be enough money to pay for regular and frequent garbage collection and education and police and other emergency services. Streets will be clean, parks will be open, and snow will be removed. Recycling programs will operate much better. So many of our problems will be solved just by monetizing value.

Private sector business will boom because of the financial security that monetizing value creates for every citizen. There will never be a financial downturn again that will hurt society, only the markets will change to automatically adjust to supply and demand.

Goods and services will cost far less than they do today. Hamburgers can be 10 cents again and citizens will work less and have more to show for their work. Families will function better because only one parent will be needed to earn money. The world will be peaceful and prosperous because most crime is the result of poverty.